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Kartet T-Xebiro-T (Delbecq/Orti) From Jellyfishing PeeWee 025 è2000 Kartet Guillaume Orti (as), Benoît Delbecq (p), Hubert Dupont (b), Chander Sardjoe (dr) 2. B. Delbecq & F. Houle Ezerville (Delbecq/Houle) From Dice Thrown SLG SA1538-2 è2002 Songlines Recordings Benoît Delbecq (p), François Houle (cl) 3. G. Orti Usbalias Kosbi Aâmeti - Sur Pointe (Orti) Unreleased è2002 Orti Isabelle Saint-Yves (viola da gamba), Gilles Coronado (g), Alexandre Wimmer (g), Jean-Luc Lehr (b) 4. J. Dijkstra Brushes (Delbecq) From European Echoes BvHaast CD9704 è1997 BvHaast Jorrit Dijkstra (as), Benoît Delbecq (p), Mischa Kool (b), Steve Argüelles (dr) 5. B. Delbecq Strange Loop (Delbecq) From Pursuit SLG SA1529-2 è2000 Songlines Recordings Benoît Delbecq (p), Michaek Moore (as), François Houle (cl), Jean-Jacques Avenel (b), Steve Argüelles (dr) 6. S. Argüelles/S. Lacy Image (Lacy) From Image ahum 001 è1987 ahum Steve Lacy (ss), Steve Argüelles (dr) 7. Les Amants de Juliette Disparitions (Adam/Delbecq/Foch) From Les Amants de Juliette Doc 063 è2001 Quoi de Neuf Docteur Serge Adam (tr), Benoît Delbecq (p), Philippe Foch (perc) 8. H. Dupont Page 268 (Dupont) Unreleased è2003 Dupont Hubert Dupont (b) 9. F. Briet L'Ornithorynque (Briet) Unreleased è1997 Briet Frédéric Briet (b), Guillaume Orti (as), Denis Chouillet (p) 10. G. Orti/O. Sens Objet Sonore (Orti/Sens) Unreleased è2003 Sens/Orti Olivier Sens (computeur), Guillaume Orti (as) 11. Kartet Heptases (Delbecq) From Hask Adda 590083 è1991 Kartet Guillaume Orti (as), Benoît Delbecq (p), Hubert Dupont (b), Benjamin Henocq (dr) 12. Thôt Clin D'Oeil (à Heptases) (Payen) From Thôt Doc 059 è2000 Hask/Payen Stéphane Payen (as), Gilles Coronado (g), Hubert Dupont (b), Christophe Lavergne (dr) 13. Decor 2000 Croyances (Dupont) Unreleased è2000 Dupont Hubert Dupont (b), Nicolas Genest (tr), Stéphane Payen (as), David Venitucci (acc), Franck Vaillant (dr) 14. S. Argüelles And Reason Corrects The Feverish Beat (Chalosse/Plush) From Beat Box Plush 03 è2001 Plush Steve Argüelles (dr), John Silverman (b), Marc Chalosse (mix) 15. Ambitronix Glazart (Argüelles/Delbecq/Plush) Unreleased live è2003 Plush Benoît Delbecq (sampler), Steve Argüelles (dr, fx ...) |
Agadez Kartet 1. From Hask Adda 590083 è1991 Kartet Guillaume Orti (as), Benoît Delbecq (p), Hubert Dupont (b), Benjamin Henocq (dr) (Argüelles) Steam ADD Trio 2. From Instinct Bellaphon CDLR 45104 è1996 Argüelles/Doran/Dick Christy Doran (g), Robert Dick (fl), Steve Argüelles (dr) (Delbecq) Vite Benoît Delbecq 3. From Paintings ZZ84109 è1993 Delbecq Benoît Delbecq (p), Guillaume Orti (as), Joe Carver (b), Steve Argüelles (dr) (Delbecq) Mu-Turn Kartet 4. From Jellyfishing PeeWee 025 è2000 Kartet Guillaume Orti (as), Benoît Delbecq (p), Hubert Dupont (b), Chander Sardjoe (dr) (Delbecq) Slices The Recyclers 5. From Visit ZZ84127 è1997 Argüelles Benoît Delbecq (p), Noël Akchoté (g), Steve Argüelles (dr) Jazz Mic Mac 6. (Adam/Biayenda/Delbecq/Nkouaga) Nerhu From Jazz Mic Mac Doc 006 è1994 Quoi de Neuf Docteur Serge Adam (tr), Benoît Delbecq (p), André Nkpuaga (b), Emile Biayenda (dr) The Recyclers 7. (Argüelles/Delbecq/Akchoté) Postcard from Khalanhi From Rhymes ZZ84111 è1994 Argüelles Benoît Delbecq (object), Noël Akchoté (object), Steve Argüelles (dr) (Dupont) Organic Decor 8. From Dans le Décor PeeWee 016 è1997 PeeWee Hubert Dupont (b), Geoffroy De Masure (tb), David Venitucci (acc), Brice Wassy (dr) (Dupont) La Maison de l'O.R.T.I. Altissimo 9. From Altissimo PeeWee 003 è1995 PeeWee Hubert Dupont (b), Guillaume Orti (as), Philippe Sellam (as), Pierre-Olivier Govin (as), Didier Haboyan (as), Christophe Marguet (dr) (Argüelles) Shambles Steve Argüelles 5tet 10. From Busy Listening ZZ84120 è1994 Argüelles Julian Argüelles (as), Huw Warren (acc) Stuarts Hall (g), Mick Hutton (b), Steve Argüelles (dr) (Cathala) A.k.a Dreams (Part 1) Print 11. From A.k.a Dreams Yolk 2015 è2003 Cathala Sylvain Cathala (ts), Stéphane Payen (as), Jean-Philippe Morel (b), Franck Vaillant (dr) (Argüelles) Los Nosotros S. Argüelles/M. Ducret 12. From Buenaventura Durruti Nato 777 733 è1996 Nato Steve Argüelles (dr), Marc Ducret (g) (Payen) Miniature 4 ( Part 2) Thôt Agrandi 13. From Work On Axis Doc 067 è2004 Hask/Payen Stéphane Payen (as), Gilles Coronado (g), Hubert Dupont (b), Christophe Lavergne (dr) Pierre Bernard (fl), Laurent Blondiau (tr), Michel Massot (tuba), Guillaume Orti (as), Antoine Prawerman (cl), Franck Vaillant (dr), Pierre Van Dormael (g) (Coronado) A so recent dampness ... G. Coronado 14. Unreleased Mixture è2002 Coronado Gilles Coronado (g), Bruno Chevillon (b), Médéric Collignon (tr), Benoît Delbecq (kb), Guillaume Orti (as) (Payen) Essai Thôt 15. From Thôt Doc 059 è2000 Hask/Payen Stéphane Payen (as), Gilles Coronado (g), Hubert Dupont (b), Christophe Lavergne (dr) |
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